Saturday, August 25, 2007

Texas Talk

We sure were busy this week going to Adjuster class all day, almost ten hours every day. We learned a lot and if/when we have a storm, the Greene team will be ready. One thing I did learn in class, that I'm not sure was actually on the agenda, was that I have been pronouncing the English language all wrong. For example, a two by four piece of wood is actually pronounced tuba'four and a toolbar that you click on in a Windows application is pronounced tuba'. More great words I learned to pronounce were Hurricn' and my most favorite, Poo Scrn. Are you not sure what a Poo Scrn is? Well it took me a little time to figure that one out as well. Only us Floridians have them around our Poo to keep the leaves and bugs out (still confused, it is a Pool Screen). Well I'm sure glad we got all that straight before moving to the next state. I might have looked like a real dummy.

We are going to take this weekend off to relax and catch up on some chores and then start planning where we will head next. We have heard that Arkansas has some great hiking spots. So we are probably going to head there.

I wanted to take a moment to mention how much fun we are having writing this Blog. But most importantly, that your comments really mean so much to us. Being able to read them helps us to stay connected to everyone we care about. Also, a couple of you have asked how Maggie is doing. She is loving being with us 24-7. I included a picture to demonstrate.

Well, that's all for now. To all our friends and family back in Florida. Make sure that your Poo Scrn is safe and secure before the next Hurricn'!!!

Click here to see all our photos from Coppell Texas


Anonymous said...

we love you xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love you and I hope that you guys are Having Fun!!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud of you Guys.

Anonymous said...

This is a test, it is only a test, in a real emergency, I will call.

Denise said...

Hi Kelly,

Sandy sent me your link. Looks like you figured out blogging real quick! I'm going out to Arkansas with my son and daughter-in-law in late October to see foliage, go hiking, and do some antiquing in Eureka Springs. I'll be anxious to hear your experiences out there. I'm so happy for you and I know I will enjoy being the armchair traveler. I LOVE your haircut!

Unknown said...

So, the Greene Team was referenced not once, but twice in the FPL all HR meeting this morning. First, Bob Escoto, yes THE Bob Escoto commented on the generational changed in the workforce. As an example, he referred to an employee that recently left. He spoke about meeting her in the hall and asking why she was leaving, assuming she was going to another company. How surprised he was when she announced she and her husband were taking a year off to travel around the US in an RV. I wonder who he was referring to????? He went on to conclude that as a baby boomer, he would have never done anything so bold. And, as a company, FPL needed to be prepared for these sorts of paradigm shifts. My new boss, also made reference to your departure. Aparrently, the Greene's have been discussed at the highest levels.

Miss you guys and love the adventure. Keep posting!

I can't wait to hear about Arkansas, I too have heard it's beautiful.

Jen said...

You are too funny girl! You sure you don't want to come back home?? You know GC is going to start pulling 4 shows a month...tempting right??

Maggie, how cute is she!!