Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 2: The Rookie Mistake

After finally getting to sleep in (thanks to Scott's Mom), we had a pancake breakfast (thanks again Mom), and said our goodbyes. We were on our way for another five hour trek. This time we were heading to DeFuniak Springs (don't worry, I'd never heard of that town either). We weren't 30 minutes down the highway, when someone in the car next to us started pointing. We weren't sure if they were just joking with us or if there was something serious going on. We pulled over at the next rest-stop only to find that, in our inexperienced haste to get on the road, we did not double check that the tow vehicle had the steering column free to move. What this means, ladies and gentleman, is that we were dragging our tow vehicle down the road instead of it rolling smoothly behind us. Oh yes, let me tell you what that does to a tire. Pretty much rips it to shreds. Thank goodness it was only one of the tires and our little white Jeep (aptly named whitey) has a full sized spare on the back. Unfortunately I do not have a picture to mark this momentous occasion, because the batteries ran out in the camera (which Scott was very happy not having me clicking away as he was changing the tire). I did add a picture (shown on right) just to show you part of the hook up of the tow vehicle. It's pretty extensive.

Note to self: create a checklist for all future departures. Lesson learned.


Jen said...

Oh no!! I'm sure you can laugh about it now!

DAWN MARIE said...

And how many shades of red did you turn? :) It could have been worst.
Poor Whitey