Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 7: The Coach Gets a Bath

We finally are in Texas and are able to "take a break", or so I thought. Scott decided it would be a great idea to wash the Coach today. It actually ended up being really fun. The RV Park we are staying at has an RV wash and if you have ever been to one of those car washes where you end up playing Beat the Clock and feeding a wallet full of quarters, try washing an RV. It is a whole new experience.
While I was updating the Blog Scott ventured out in Coppell to run a few errands. Don't worry folks he found a brand new Walmart right around the corner. Did you know that Walmart has jumped on the Whole Foods/Green Market thing? They have a store, in the swankier parts of Texas called Walmart Neighborhood Market. Fresh Fields better watch out. By the way, this will be the last Walmart reference (I hope) or I am going to get them to pay us a sponsorship.
You probably won't hear too much from us this week as we are attending a conference with 8 to 10 hour class days. We are taking a class to become Insurance Adjusters for natural disasters. The Greene's are going to be storm chasers...Anything to support the dream.


Unknown said...

So? How many quarters did it take?

Mom and Pop Jenkins said...

Hello Kelly and Scott! Wow and I thought my car was a pain to wash! We are so very impressed and proud of you guys! We love that we can see you every day and be part of your journey just by clicking a few buttons! We love you and miss you terrible! Kelly, it was a good thing the picture did not reveal the phone books you were sitting on while driving!!!
Hugs and Kisses

Donna K. said...

Very cool. You should start interviewing the locals. Basic 'Life in America' stuff. The locals outlook. Then add your comments. You could end the journey with a published book. If so, make sure I'm on the credits! My neighbor is a disaster insurance adjuster. He said it's very rewarding. Also, the pay is EXCELLENT. Good luck you two! Donna

Jack Jack's mommy said...

Sounds very very fun! I love everyone's suggestions about writing a book on your experiences. Maybe Walmart will even turn it into a movie, like the one with Americus - the baby born in Walmart.

Have fun and keep writing. It's great to read about your adventures!

Karen, Joe, and Jackson

tim and bubba greene said...

Great job scott and kelly....the journey has just begun...look forward to joining you along the way.....must be nice to be retired....hope we don't need your services this year in the keys...all the

Alison said...

Wow....your weren't kidding about that. What a job. Atleast the RV will always keep you young by getting some exercise. Don't go for a run just clean the car. =)
Hope the insurance thing is going good. Miss you!! XOXO Alison & Daisy. Tell Maggie we said hi! And she needs a picture on here too! How does she like it? ok bye bye