Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 1: And They're Off...

Sometimes even really good planners get behind schedule...

We wanted to get on the road by 10:00am but due to some unforeseen circumstances (ie: rain, needing an extender for the bike rack, being that this was our first time hooking up a gigantic vehicle, etc, etc) we were a couple of hours delayed. But after a quick shower and some sandwiches we were on our way. Let me tell you it is quite a different view from up in the seat of a 40 foot vehicle The people and cars seem much smaller. Anyway, although it was very quick, we had a nice visit with Scott's mom and family. She arranged for us to park in the school across from her house, which worked out great.

1 comment:

mom & bobby said...


We are glad you are having a good time. Also glad the A/C was easy to fix. I really like the COFFEE AND BEIGNETS FROM CAFE DU MONDE

I'm Fixing to wake up SCOTTS MOM and show her the blog.
love you guys