Tuesday, April 8, 2008

***Retraction from The Greene Journey Blog***

We at the Greene Journey must make a retraction to the prior blog entry. The song "On The Road Again" was sung by Willie Nelson not Kenny Rogers. We apologize for any confusion which this may have caused and meant no harm to the Willie Nelson company. Please accept our admittance of wrong doing. However, we at The Greene Journey do feel that the joke is still funny.

Thank you and keep reading.


Editor in Chief
Kelly Greene


Anonymous said...

finally! you live, I've been checking for next endeveor. we miss your shining face,

fashion foragers said...

So glad to hear your back "On the Road Again".
And I'm sure the "Red Headed Stranger" won't mind the miss up.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am excited to keep up with the blog! Have a blast