Monday, April 14, 2008

The Grand Canyon

We made it to Williams, AZ which is just an hour outside the Grand Canyon. All I can say about the Grand Canyon is, wow it is beyond words. Probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen. It really does make you realize how small you are when you look out into this enormous natural wonder. We took about a million pictures (see link below), but they can't even possibly capture the beauty of the canyon.

We stayed on the rim of the canyon, hiking and sight seeing most of the day. When we were on our way to a lookout point we saw a couple of cars pulled over, so we slowed down. I looked through the trees and saw this deer-like animal. I thought it was a moose at first. Scott got out to take a picture. It turns out there were two Elk, a male and female, just munching on some grass. Very cool.

Can I just take a side bar and mention how out of shape I am? We walked on paved paths along the rim of the Grand Canyon and I don't know if it was the altitude or what, but you would have thought I was 90 years old (no offense to all the in shape 90-year-olds'). By the end of the day my back and neck hurt, gee whiz. I'm going to need to get back in shape if we are going to be doing all this outdoorsy stuff again. Anyway, tomorrow we go to Sedona to look at the red rocks. I can't wait.


Unknown said...

Words cannot describe and photos do not capture. I get goosebumps thinking about the Grand Canyon!

Hey, god job on the Willie Nelson/Kenny Rogers flub. Growing up in Tx, I was probably one of the only people that wasn't a rabid fan of country music (Gillis was the other), but even I know Willie Nelson sung On the Road Again.

P.S. - Kenny Rogers sung, "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille." Let that stick in your head and drive you batty for a while.

Anonymous said... are in my neck of the woods. I love Sedona and the Grand Canyon. If you are in Phoenix, give my parents a ring...they love visitors! :) They would be so jealous of your rig too.


Anonymous said...

P.S. My friend got married at that church in Sedona! It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to.


Anonymous said...

P.S. My friend got married at that church in Sedona! It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to.


Anonymous said...

"You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel..." is a fun song to sing while you're driving
