Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Burning Up in Sedona

The temperature differences in the desert are amazing. If you looked at our pictures from the Grand Canyon you can see we were all bundled up because it was freezing out. At night we had to unhook the water line from the coach because of freezing temperatures. So we thought when we headed to Sedona the next day, it would be just as cold. Think again, we had to stop at a store and buy some touristy Sedona t-shirts, because we were sweating like crazy.

Sedona was beautiful. We absolutely loved it. We only had a couple of hours so we hit most of the scenic picture spots. We went to this beautiful chapel that was up in the mountains and looked like it was built right out of the rocks.

The mountains/rocks of Sedona had this rich redish-orange coloring. It was different from the Grand Canyon but just as beautiful. I could probably spend a month in Arizona alone, but unfortunately we need to move on. California here we come!

Click here to see all our photos from Sedona


Anonymous said...

Hey Cousins! Took me a while to leave a comment..I can't believe how far you have made it. It seems like just yesterday you were in Atlanta! You have inspired us even more to try to get out we just have to figure out how to do it. I know - we'll (ALL 4 of US) stay with you! Love ya bunches. Monica

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott & Kelly,

The pictures are wonderful. The ones in Sedona and the Grand Canyon brought back alot of memories! You two are a real inspiration. Take care and be safe!

Teri in Tampa