Friday, October 3, 2008

Golden Wind Catchers

Our time here is almost over. I can't believe how lucky we are to have had the opportunity to be in such a magnificent place for every season. We arrived here in May with snow on the ground. The snow continued into June and even though I was freezing, it was a magical winter wonderland, with this blanket of pure white everywhere you looked. The snow peaked mountains were spectacular. (Sorry, I just got done watching a Disney movie.) Anyway, with spring came the flowers; Lupin, Balsam Root, and Indian Paintbrush peaked and then blossomed on every inch of the flats with yellow, purple, white and reds. It was fantastic. The summer was equally beautiful, with warm days and cool nights. But my favorite season has been fall. The Aspen and Cottonwood trees are alive with color. Yellow and gold leaves that shimmer like wind chimes, with no sound, in the breeze. Natures version of a fireworks show.

I hate to leave this breathtaking place, but we are going to Tahoe in a couple of days. Our new adventure. We have decided to settle there for a little while and sell the RV, as hard as that is.

I want to thank you for coming along on the journey with us. With each comment you made on the blog, we felt like each one of you was with us. It is always a little easier to take a big leap in life when you know you have people rooting for you. With that, am officially closing this chapter of the journey. Thanks for enjoying the ride.

Kelly & Scott


Jack Jack's mommy said...

I love these photos!! I can only imagine how much more beautiful it looks in person. Screw New England I want to go to the Tetons in fall. Good luck in Tahoe. Do you know where you are going to live there yet? I have a friend who lives on the north side of the lake and you are totally welcome to look her up. Hell, I'm sure Tahoe turns into such a small town for the locals you'll be sure to run into her eventually. Anyways, her name is Joanna Klinker and is a good friend of mine from HS and college. She's an English teacher at the HS there. I have loved keeping up with you on the blog and I will miss the beautiful pictures and silly adventures. Thanks for letting me tag along.

Anonymous said...

Tahoe....I want more information. What made you decide to go there? Do you have a job? Are you going to be back in Oralndo....if so, you better stop in and say "hello!"


Anonymous said...

loved checking in on you from time to time. What a cool adventure1

veronicahof said...

so you're gonna drop some roots in nevada?? email me details! i wanna visit! aren't there casinos out there?? hmmm...

veronicahof said...

oh, wait, it's in california, right?